Monday, January 5, 2015

Love Versus Infatuation

God has given man the good in life, especially the capacity to love and to be loved. However, the devil, constantly in opposition to God, places before us, created beings, counterfeits. Infatuation is his false front for love. And since both love and infatuation involve strange emotions—a desire to be together always and sexual excitement—telling the difference between them doesn’t come easy.

How can we tell whether one’s in love or simply infatuation? How shall we know?

1 Love centers on one person only, while infatuation tends to consider several at the same time. 

2 Love develops slowly. 

3 Love recognizes three important things even as interest in the other person awakens compatibility, faults, and reality. 

4 Love motivates behavior, usually towards the positive.

5 Infatuation does the positive. 

6 Love controls desire of physical contact, but infatuation explores it. 

7 Love is selfless, while infatuation is selfish. 

8 Love brings the approval of family and friends.

9 Infatuation generates disapproval of these two groups. 

10 Love produces security, while infatuation is insecurity. Love survives separation. 

11 Infatuation easily dies when put to a test like distance. 

12 Love inspires, while infatuation weakens and destroys. 

13 If it has to end, love does it slowly.

Experts say that most people get infatuated several times before they find real love. What will you do when you find yourself infatuated? Recognize your feelings—crush or just an unreasonable emotion. Don’t take it too seriously nor make it something it isn’t. Don’t allow yourself to be carried away by it. And the very important is never to “fall into bed” with just someone you think you love. Follow the rules and listen to counsel.

True love can wait—you’ll find it someday.

* I wrote this article when I was in High School. It was published on our School Paper. Most of my ideas in these article was taken from Health & Home.

~ Kay-een ♡

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