Sunday, April 19, 2015

Review on the book Think Like a Guy: How to Get a Guy by Thinking Like One by Giuliana DePandi

I read a book in titled:  Think Like a Guy: How to Get a Guy by Thinking Like One. It was handed over to me by Ate Danica. This book gave me some tips on how to land on the guy you really want; teach you to think…like a guy.

Here are some tips I loved :)

  • Have aspirations and career goals. A guy never says, “When i grow up, I just wanna be a hasband and stay-at-home dad.”
  • Don’t over accessorize.
  • Don’t take an hour to get ready.
  • Don’t be a finicky eater.
  • Don’t giggle during sex. And if you do, expect him to be totally offended.
  • Don’t cry during sex. And if you do, expect him to be scared for life.
  • Don’t admit you were a bad student.
  • Have a sense of humor.
  • Don’t obsess over babies and puppies.
  • Never, ever kiss on the 1st date.
  • Never admit you’ve slept with more than five guys.
  • Don’t be a slut on bed.
  • Don’t admit you’ve cheated.
  • Hide your astrology book.
  • Don’t wear granny panties.
  • Don’t nag him to valid your relationship.
  • Try not to cry in front of him.
  • Learn to accept his sports. To most men, DOTA & basketball isn’t a sport or game; it’s a religion.
  • Don’t drag him out shopping.
  • Don’t always eave him with the bill.
  • Don’t try to break his bad habits. Guy are full of bad habits. Change only what you absolutely must. Save the relationship-and your sanity-by choosing your battles wisely.
  • Don’t buy him cloths you want him to like.
  • Avoid celebrating every single occasion.
  • make him feel like you don’t rely on him.
  • Don’t doodle your first name with his last name.
  • Say what you really mean.
  • Let him go out with his friends-Yes! let him go.
  • Don’t fight in public. Other people don’t want to listen to your fight. If they want drama, they’ll turn on the TV.
  • Keep your family out of your fights. Your dad already owns a gun and a shovel. Don’t give him a reason to use them.
  • Stop comparing him to your ex.
  • Don’t be a negative when it comes to other girls.
  • Don’t surprise him with short hair.
  • Don’t break up unless you have a rebound.

~ Kay-een ♡

Monday, April 6, 2015

DIY Dreamcatcher Tutorial: Easy Steps

Late last Febuary I decided to make a DIY Dreamcatcher since I am working on doing some crafts and arts as a new year's resolution. At first I had difficulty finding the materials needed since I don't have any background on dreamcatchers. What I did is that I search from the internet on how to make a dreamcatcher. I read from different blogs and watched from YouTube different styles and technique on how to make this craft.

To start with... let me first introduce what is a dreamcatcher.

Native Americans believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. The dreamcatcher when hung over or near your bed swinging freely in the air, catches the dreams as they flow by. The good dreams know how to pass through the dreamcatcher, slipping through the outer holes and slide down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams not knowing the way get tangled in the dreamcatcher and perish with the first light of the new day.

The Tutorial

Step 1: Gather the materials.

Metal or wooden hoop. Anything circle will do.

Thin cord, string, or thread.
Thicker cord or thread.
Scissors, needle and glue.

Step 2: Wrap the hoop using the thicker cord or thread. Secure the end of the cord as you end covering the hoop.

Step 3. Create the web using the thin cord/string/thread. You can place some beads as you create the web.

Step 4: Hang some feathers on the buttom of the dreamcatcher. Beads and colored feather may vary depending on the dreamcatcher's design and color.

Step 5. Cut all excess threads.

Step 6: DONE! Our DIY Dreamcatcher is ready to be hang up near our bed and screen our bad dreams.

~ Kay-een